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How often do you take a cat to the vet?

No matter your cat's age, routine care will be essential for your kitty's long-term health and well-being. Today, our Orlando vets discuss the importance of routine exams and how often you should take your cat to the vet for checkups. 

How often do cats need to go to the vet?

You'll need to take your cat to the vet on a regular basis to keep them healthy and happy throughout their life. When you bring your cat to the vet, you allow your veterinarian the opportunity to monitor your kitty's general health and well-being, check for the earliest signs of disease, and offer recommendations for preventive care products to suit your feline friend. 

Our vets understand that the potential cost of routine checkups and preventive care may be a concern, especially if your feline friend looks to be in perfect health. With these routine exams, we can help you avoid the cost of more expensive visits later to treat serious conditions that may have been detected earlier during a wellness exam. 

Cat Checkups at MetroWest Veterinary Clinic

Think of a routine wellness exam as a physical checkup for your cat. The frequency with which your cat should visit the vet will depend on several factors, including your kitty's health, age, and lifestyle. 

We typically recommend annual wellness exams for healthy adult cats. However, kittens, senior cats, and kitties with underlying health conditions should see their vet more often for examinations. 

How often do kittens need to go the vet? 

If you've recently welcomed a new kitten to your home, prepare them to bring them to the vet every month until they reach a year old. 

During their first year, kittens need multiple rounds of vaccinations to protect them from common infectious diseases. Your kitty should receive the feline leukemia vaccine and the FVRCP vaccine to protect them from three highly contagious and life-threatening feline diseases: Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FHV-1), Feline Calicivirus (FCV), and Feline Panleukopenia (FPL). 

Over the first 16 weeks of your kitten's life, they will receive these vaccinations. This will help provide them with a solid foundation for lifelong protection against various diseases.

Speak with your vet at MetroWest Veterinary Clinic in Orlando to determine the right wellness exam schedule for your new friend.

Our vets recommend having your kitten spayed or neutered when they are between five and six months old to prevent a host of diseases and undesirable behaviors as well as unwanted litters of kittens.

When to Take Your Adult Cat to the Vet

If you have a healthy adult cat, your vet will likely recommend bringing them once each year for a full examination. Your vet will check over your cat, and perform any necessary diagnostics, dental care, or testing needed.

Throughout your adult cat's routine exam, your vet will inspect your cat's body to look for early signs of diseases or other issues, such as parasites, joint pain, or tooth decay.

Your veterinarian will also provide your kitty with any required vaccines or booster shots, and have a conversation with you about your cat's diet and nutritional requirements, as well as recommend the appropriate parasite protection products.

If your vet happens to spot any concerns they will share their findings and offer their recommendations on the next steps.

How often should you bring your senior cat to the vet?

Once your cat is a senior, around 11 years of age, they will have some new considerations when it comes to their care.

To do this, your vet will likely suggest that you bring your cat in every six months. Twice-yearly wellness check-ups for your geriatric cat will include all of the checks and advice listed above, but with a few additional diagnostic tests to obtain extra insights into your furry friend's overall health.

Some diagnostic tests we recommend for our senior patients include blood tests and urinalysis to check for early signs of problems such as kidney disease or diabetes.

Geriatric care for cats also includes a more proactive approach to keeping your feline companion comfortable as age-related issues such as joint pain become more common. If you have a senior cat, ask your vet how often you should bring your pet in for a routine exam.

How can our team at MetroWest Veterinary Clinic help care for your cat?

Your vet will be able to recommend a treatment plan that works best for your cat based on their specific needs.

Ultimately, following the advice of your vet can help to ensure that all of your cat's needs are being met. Routine care at MetroWest Veterinary Clinic will be a vital part of keeping your feline friends safe and healthy while allowing your vet to monitor them for any potential conditions and issues that may arise.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your cat due for a health checkup? Contact our vets in Orlando today to book an appointment.

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